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Friday, December 24, 2010

Alvin's Zombie Survival Sheet

by Alvin

The popular phenomenon that is Zombie Apocalypse's will continue to live long past it's decayed state, even if after a hundred years it has to de-evolve into a "cult" phenomenon to do so.

I'm not a biggarest fan but a loyal fan none the less.  So when I cam upon this bit of geekdom roleplay whilst looking for more stimulus to keep me up at night.  I was immediately taken over by the Spirit of Christmas & began filling in the boxes with whatever fantasy item I'd need to help bump up my 57% apocalypse survival rate to at least a 58.

Everything of course is fiction.  I didn't even consider items I truthfully own - I'd be grossly unprepared if I did - & where's the fun in that?

I say join this flight of fantasy if you haven't already; I have realised I'm late on this bandwagon (seeing as how this "sheet" is version 5.0), but if you're gonna complain - then I'll leave you with a pistol with zero bullets in its magazine when this rapture hits.

You can copy & paste the original template here.

Though if you're feeling rather empty on how to start, a good reading accompaniment to get you past donning your favourite pair of Havaianas in hopes they're enough protection - When you should be thinking steel cap boots with maybe a hidden blade at the toe for those nasty wasteland raiders - Is Max Brooks' bible for the end of days below.



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