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Sunday, September 20, 2009

So that's a chocolate buffet

by Alvin

No job + barely any money = further spending & indulgence?!

Clearly in my dictionary for the vigilantly insane. Ever heard about a "Chocolate Buffet"? well David & I attended one such thing with a bunch of friends for lunch; part of some chocolate festival happening this month (props go out to Kat for setting it up).

Generally I always associate "buffets" with savory dishes or a mixture of both savory and sweet. But an "all you can eat" where rich, "diabetic enouraging" sweetness is the primary palette just scared me down to the marrow in my adamantium-laced bones, and just as equally made me respect the inventor of such a devilishly daring indulgence.

I didn't know what to expect cause i originally thought it was going to literally be gourmet chocolate from around the world, on offer to be tasted & tested. But it turned out to be somewhat better than what I anticipated, with various chocolate cakes, ice creams, candies, pastries and of course a decent chocolate fondue/chocolate fountain ready for our taste buds; the best thing about it - we could have as much as we wanted for the minimal price we paid, "Alleluia!!!"

The proof that we do lead interesting lives and don't steal other people's memories:

without further ado: the chocolate fountain fondue
(+10 points for rhyming)

the pastry fridge thing filled with eclairs, slices and tarts

Quite early we needed to have a game plan to make the most of it; it didn't seem right starting the day off with something sweet and heavy on the sugars, so I had something before hand to represent "breakfast" - so already my glass was "half full" or "half empty" (depending on your outlook in life). So pacing and not guzzling litres of water to quench the concentration of sweetness was implemented from the get go. Mind you. let me say that our table drank through pitchers of water like they were a 2-for-1 deal. I'm sure our waitress had a story to tell that evening to her pet cat and pet rock.

I didn't overdo myself this time (the only time I would ever risk exploding my gut with food is with BBQ ribs - but that's a tale for another time), only boycotting the cakes and aiming for things I could consume completely in my mouth in one gulp.
(+5 points for control and common sense)

A funny observation I made though: most of the diners were female; an obvious 90%, and our table of friends had the most ratio for guys:girls than any other in the restaurant. So for whom it may concern: chocolate buffets may be the new "pick up zones" or just a great place to take a date to without being betrayed by the dreaded "cock block".
(+10 points for saying it how it is)

Total: 25 points or life.


And now a word from the bros:

We're building an awesome video game app, so we need cash bad! Please help this nutso project of ours come to life by making a small PayPal donation. With your donation, you'll be able to help us hire developers and put a bright new game into phones and tablets worldwide.


  1. sooz! our first guest, haha.

    u can still catch the choc buffet if u and milly still have a sweet tooth.

  2. Well.. she grins at me and says'I love cake. mmmm yum. I love chocolate'. So I suppose she has the sweet tooth. a big sweet tooth.
